White ONION (Allium sativum) is not only known as a spice in cooking flavor, but it has long been used as a traditional herb for treating various diseases. Research also claimed thousands of garlic are able to overcome and prevent various diseases ranging from cancer to heart and blood vessels. Even so, not a few also stated that the efficacy of garlic have not been particularly significant in preventing and treating these degenerative diseases.
A study in Los Angeles, United States (U.S.) recently revealed new evidence that supports the benefits of garlic for the health of blood vessels. Garlic extract in pill form is believed to have great potential to prevent atherosclerosis or thickening of the blood vessel wall tissue.
Professor Matthew Budoff MD and Naser Ahmadi, MD of Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, which concludes with the results of preliminary research that garlic extract in combination with vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin B-6 and L-arginine is able inhibiting atherosclerosis.
In his research, Budoff involving 65 participants, average age 60 years and have a big enough risk of heart disease. Participants divided into two groups namely the mengonsumi pill containing extracts of garlic plus vitamins, while the other group were given capsules containing a placebo.
Participants were monitored for a year and at the end of the study, 58 participants remained. Regularly every month, participants should be checked cholesterol and other blood elements. They must also perform cardiac scans at the beginning and end of the study.
From the research revealed, did not seem to rapid progression of atherosclerosis in those who ate garlic pills than those taking placebo. According to researchers, the findings were not influenced by factors such as age, gender, degree of severity of atherosclerosis in early studies, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and diabetes treatment.
Budoff and his team did not describe the content of what is really the greatest influence on slowing atherosclerosis. However, garlic extract is believed to provide major benefits to reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Budoff hope this research will continue to uncover the potential of garlic plus vitamins to slow coronary artery calcification. Budoff research results were presented at the American Heart Association's 2008 Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Conference.
The study was funded by Wakunaga of America, the which makes the garlic pill used in the study. Budoff Had full control over the study.
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